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The Universe is a Drive-Thru (What’s your order?)

Being a human isn’t simple. It is a vast array of choices, both concrete and ethereal, that make up our lives. The paths we take, things we say, thoughts with think — it all impacts our lives and how we experience our humanness. As we navigate through life, we try to create more of what we want to experience. Efforts might include things like education, exercise, or healing work.
One popular belief system used is the Law of Attraction. Wikipedia defines The Law of Attraction as a “pseudoscience based on the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.” states that “simply put, it is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.
Sounds simple, right? The obvious next question is to ask: If all we have to do to get what we want is focus on it, why don’t more of us have the things we desire? This is a great question, and curiosity like this is the seed of revelation.
The Universe is like a Drive-Thru. You drive up to the window, and the Universe says to you, “Welcome to the Universe. Can I take your order?”
You share excitedly, “I want an order of true love, please”