Why I Love You (Yes, You!)

I love humans — and that includes you. Some folks who experience this find it strange; this head-over-heels love I have for each individual that I meet. It seems as though our society has accepted that we can hate each other without explanation, but that somehow loving each other without reason is odd, insincere, or pandering.
People can hate beyond reason, so I can love beyond reason.
Being a human is hard, and there are two responses to this difficulty. The first is to harden, to grow another layer on the shell of your being, to attack first, to blame, to justify, to close down in fear of further pain, and to hate. The second response is to soften, to lean into the uncomfortable feelings, to stay curious, to take a deep breath and enter the darkness, to sit, to be, to become increasingly vulnerable, and to love.
Now is the Great Softening. Will you join the revolution?
There is a great divide happening in the world right now, two movements going in opposite directions. You only have to read the news or hop on social media to witness the movement of fierce self-protection or the revolution of vulnerability.
There are only two paths: Faith or Fear. Love or Hate.
I was born to choose faith, to choose love. There is no other option for me. I so easily fall in love. It is usually the first thing I do upon meeting a new human. I fall head-over-heels in love with them. I feel a delicious rush of adoration and my heart starts beating faster.
I remember when this first started happening for me, as it caught me off-guard. I asked one of my spiritual teachers at the time about it — thinking that maybe it meant I was in the wrong relationship, or that there was a problem with my hormones. My teacher laughed and said, “Congratulations, you are experiencing the natural, normal exchange that all humans are designed to experience with each other.”
To love is our natural state of being. We are the most powerful when we are in love.
I continued to explore this phenomenon, and eventually, I accepted it as a natural way of being. Love is not about the object; it is about the subject. When I love, I experience love. When I love, my energy is in celebration of all life, and I am connected to something greater than myself.
Today, I fell in love… multiple times. There was a man that made my heart pound. There was a woman who made me forget what I was saying. There was a tree that made my heart grow two sizes. There was a story that expanded my humanness. It was all ME. When I love, ordinary things become extraordinary, and life becomes an adventure.
I love you, beyond reason and without a doubt. You are lovable. There is nothing that you can do or say, no mistake in your past, that can take away this truth from you: You were born to love and be loved. It is your birthright.